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Hey guys, just wanted to reach out, as time has started to get away from us. January has flown by and I thought we would have some time to reset, but I was surprisingly mistaken! In our second full year of only the catering we've hit the ground running. So many new and exciting things we are getting into. We are working towards a possible Food Truck, cooking channel, and growing the dessert side of Heavenly Eats. Thank you all for your continued support and stay tuned for our upcoming events. Have an awesome day. (M

Chef Brian

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Happy Holidays from all of us to you and your family. A lot of who we are is because of you, and we just want to show our appreciation. This is a Flash Meal Prep Menu for the holidays. All meals are $8 just so no one goes hungry. We really wanted to make it affordable and since some may not be able to travel we just wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to have a Thanksgiving Meal. You can order as you normally do. Again thank you for all the continued support.

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Good afternoon and Happy Monday. I am writing with an update with our Meal Prep Program. We originally was only going to cancel services until end of September and resume after holiday in October. However our commitment at Field of Dreams has been extended into November (due to some rain date cancellations) with the concessions. It is our intent to resume Meal Prep as soon as we can. I am looking to hire staffing to assist with this portion of Heavenly Eats. I will continue to keep you updated and may do a few Pop Up Meal Preps as the holidays approach. If we have to push re-open into 2024 I will keep you all posted. We are growing and now I have to grow my team. As always thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

Chef Brian

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